419 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient task allocation for distributed applications in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We consider the scenario of a sensing, computing and communicating infrastructure with a a programmable middleware that allows for quickly deploying different applications running on top of it so as to follow the changing ambient needs. We then face the problem of setting up the desired application in case of hundreds of nodes, which consists in identifying which actions should be performed by each of the nodes so as to satisfy the ambient needs while minimizing the application impact on the infrastructure battery lifetime. We approach the problem by considering every possible decomposition of the application's sensing and computing operations into tasks to be assigned to the each infrastructure component. The contribution of energy consumption due to the performance of each task is then considered to compute a cost function, allowing us to evaluate the viability of each deployment solution. Simulation results show that our framework results in considerable energy conservation with respect to sink-oriented or cluster-oriented deployment approaches, particularly for networks with high node densities, non-uniform energy consumption and initial energy, and complex actions

    Task allocation in group of nodes in the IoT: A consensus approach

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    The realization of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm relies on the implementation of systems of cooperative intelligent objects with key interoperability capabilities. In order for objects to dynamically cooperate to IoT applications' execution, they need to make their resources available in a flexible way. However, available resources such as electrical energy, memory, processing, and object capability to perform a given task, are often limited. Therefore, resource allocation that ensures the fulfilment of network requirements is a critical challenge. In this paper, we propose a distributed optimization protocol based on consensus algorithm, to solve the problem of resource allocation and management in IoT heterogeneous networks. The proposed protocol is robust against links or nodes failures, so it's adaptive in dynamic scenarios where the network topology changes in runtime. We consider an IoT scenario where nodes involved in the same IoT task need to adjust their task frequency and buffer occupancy. We demonstrate that, using the proposed protocol, the network converges to a solution where resources are homogeneously allocated among nodes. Performance evaluation of experiments in simulation mode and in real scenarios show that the algorithm converges with a percentage error of about±5% with respect to the optimal allocation obtainable with a centralized approach

    Energy consumption management in Smart Homes: An M-Bus communication system

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    Energy consumption management in Smart Home environments relies on the implementation of systems of cooperative intelligent objects named Smart Meters. In order for devices to cooperate to smart metering applications' execution, they need to make their information available. In this paper we propose a framework that aims at managing energy consumption of controllable appliances in groups of Smart Homes belonging to the same neighbourhood or condominium. We consider not only electric power distribution, but also alternative energy sources such as solar panels. We define a communication paradigm based on M-Bus for the acquisition of relevant data by managing nodes. We also provide a lightweight algorithm for the distribution of the available alternative power among houses. Performance evaluation of experiments in simulation mode prove that the proposed framework does not jeopardise the lifetime of Smart Meters, particularly in typical situations where managed devices do not continuously turn on and off

    The measurement of enhancement in mathematical abilities as a result of joint cognitive trainings in numerical and visual-spatial skills: A preliminary study

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    A body of literature shows the significant role of visual-spatial skills played in the improvement of mathematical skills in the primary school. The main goal of the current study was to investigate the impact of a combined visuo-spatial and mathematical training on the improvement of mathematical skills in 146 second graders of several schools located in Italy. Participants were presented single pencil-and-paper visuo-spatial or mathematical trainings, computerised version of the above mentioned treatments, as well as a combined version of computer-assisted and pencil-and-paper visuo-spatial and mathematical trainings, respectively. Experimental groups were presented with training for 3 months, once a week. All children were treated collectively both in computer-assisted or pencil-and-paper modalities. At pre and post-test all our participants were presented with a battery of objective tests assessing numerical and visuo-spatial abilities. Our results suggest the positive effect of different types of training for the empowerment of visuo-spatial and numerical abilities. Specifically, the combination of computerised and pencil-and-paper versions of visuo-spatial and mathematical trainings are more effective than the single execution of the software or of the pencil-and-paper treatment

    Classicité de formes modulaires surconvergentes

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    We prove in this paper a classicality result for overconvergent modular forms on PEL Shimura varieties of type (A) or (C) associated to an unramified reductive group on mathbbQpmathbb{Q}_p. To get this result, we use the analytic continuation method, first used by Buzzard and Kassaei

    Objects that agree on task frequency in the IoT: A lifetime-oriented consensus based approach

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    Some key features of the end-systems impact on the way communications happen within the IoT: available objects' resources are limited, different objects may provide the same information (e. g. sense the same physical measure), the number of nodes in the IoT is quickly overcoming the number of Internet hosts with greater reliability issues. This entails for a new paradigm of communication with respect to those characterizing the traditional Internet. Before providing the required information about the physical world, objects coordinate with the other objects in groups and provide a unified service to the external world (the application that requires the service), with the intent to distribute the load of the requested services according to specific community defined rules, which could be: lifetime extension, QoS (Quality of Service) maximization, reward maximization, or others. In this paper other than describing the characteristics of this new communication paradigm and challenges it is called to address, we also propose a first solution for its implementation that relies on a distributed optimization protocol based on the consensus algorithm. Results of simulations and real experiments are also presented that show the viability in implementing the new communication model in a distributed way

    Task Allocation among Connected Devices: Requirements, Approaches and Challenges

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    Task allocation (TA) is essential when deploying application tasks to systems of connected devices with dissimilar and time-varying characteristics. The challenge of an efficient TA is to assign the tasks to the best devices, according to the context and task requirements. The main purpose of this paper is to study the different connotations of the concept of TA efficiency, and the key factors that most impact on it, so that relevant design guidelines can be defined. The paper first analyzes the domains of connected devices where TA has an important role, which brings to this classification: Internet of Things (IoT), Sensor and Actuator Networks (SAN), Multi-Robot Systems (MRS), Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS), and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). The paper then demonstrates that the impact of the key factors on the domains actually affects the design choices of the state-of-the-art TA solutions. It results that resource management has most significantly driven the design of TA algorithms in all domains, especially IoT and SAN. The fulfillment of coverage requirements is important for the definition of TA solutions in MCS and UAV. Quality of Information requirements are mostly included in MCS TA strategies, similar to the design of appropriate incentives. The paper also discusses the issues that need to be addressed by future research activities, i.e.: allowing interoperability of platforms in the implementation of TA functionalities; introducing appropriate trust evaluation algorithms; extending the list of tasks performed by objects; designing TA strategies where network service providers have a role in TA functionalities’ provisioning

    IoT Architecture for a sustainable tourism application in a smart city environment

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    In the past few years, the Smart Cities concept has become one of the main driving forces for the urban transition towards a low carbon environment, sustainable economy, andmobility. Tourism, as one of the fastest growing industries, is also an important generator of carbon emissions; therefore, the recently emerging sustainable tourism concept is envisioned as an important part of the Smart Cities paradigm.Within this context, the Internet-of-Things (IoT) concept is the key technological point for the development of smart urban environments through the use of aggregated data, integrated in a single decisional platform. This paper performs the first analysis on the feasibility of the use of an IoT approach and proposes a specific architecture for a sustainable tourism application. The architecture is tailored for the optimisation of the movement of cruise ship tourists in the city of Cagliari (Italy), by taking into consideration factors such as transport information and queue waiting times. A first set of simulations is performed using 67-point of interest, real transportation data, and an optimisation algorithm

    Sensor-based early activity recognition inside buildings to support energy and comfort management systems

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    Building Energy and Comfort Management (BECM) systems have the potential to considerably reduce costs related to energy consumption and improve the efficiency of resource exploitation, by implementing strategies for resource management and control and policies for Demand-Side Management (DSM). One of the main requirements for such systems is to be able to adapt their management decisions to the users’ specific habits and preferences, even when they change over time. This feature is fundamental to prevent users’ disaffection and the gradual abandonment of the system. In this paper, a sensor-based system for analysis of user habits and early detection and prediction of user activities is presented. To improve the resulting accuracy, the system incorporates statistics related to other relevant external conditions that have been observed to be correlated (e.g., time of the day). Performance evaluation on a real use case proves that the proposed system enables early recognition of activities after only 10 sensor events with an accuracy of 81%. Furthermore, the correlation between activities can be used to predict the next activity with an accuracy of about 60%

    A novel Smart Home Energy Management system: Cooperative neighbourhood and adaptive renewable energy usage

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    Energy usage optimization in Smart Homes is a critical problem: over 30% of the energy consumption of the world resides in the residential sector. Usage awareness and manual appliance control alone are able to reduce consumption by 15%. This result could be improved if appliance control is automatic, especially if renewable sources are present locally. In this paper, a Smart Home Energy Management system that aims at automatically controlling appliances in groups of smart homes belonging to the same neighborhood is proposed. Not only is electric power distribution considered, but also renewable energy sources such as wind micro-turbines and solar panels. The proposed strategy relies on two algorithms. The Cost Saving Task Scheduling algorithm is aimed at scheduling high-power controllable loads during off-peak hours, taking into account the expected usage of the non-controllable appliances such as fridge, oven, etc. This algorithm is run whenever a new need of energy from a controllable load is detected. The Renewable Source Power Allocation algorithm re-allocated the starting time of controllable loads whenever surplus of renewable source power is detected making use of a distributed max-consensus negotiation. Performance evaluation of the algorithms tested proves that the proposed approach provides an energy cost saving that goes between 35% and 65% with reference to the case where no automatic control is used
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